English Language
English Language
It is our aim to build a strong and stable foundation in the English Language among our students so that they become eloquent and confident users of the language.
The English Language Curriculum focuses on the development, reinforcement and extension of language skills in the primary years through an enjoyment of the language and the promotion of extensive reading; and leveraging oracy, reading and writing skills to develop knowledge and independent use of the language.
To spark the joy of language learning, various learning experiences and activities are curated across the different levels for our students.
Key Programmes:
- P1-P4 Support Programmes:
Ø School-based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR)
Ø Reading Remediation Programme (RRP)
Ø Reading Support Programme (RSP)
Ø Learning Support Programme (LSP)
- P1-P2 Buddy Reading Programme
- WRITE WAY E-Publication (Student Writers’ Platform)
- P4-P6 Literature Enrichment Programme
- EL Fiesta